When I got the lab results a couple days ago that my numbers were not rising like they should I started to prepare myself for the ultrasound today; So, I was not surprised when they could only see a sac-at this point they should be able to see a hearbeat. All day I've just been wanting the day to pass and get past this but I decided that I at least want to write down the things that keep crossing my mind-this is my journal after all-so here are some random thoughts in no paticular order:
-Children are a miracle
-The Lord causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him
-I didn't realize how much I wanted another child
-My husband couldn't be more supportive.
-Andrea went through this also so she understands how it feels.
-I don't want to ever take for granted my family and friends
-God calls the womb the "secret place" and is in control of everything that happens there
-I am to be grateful for everything
-Through some mystery God allows trials to make us love Him more
-I have suffered very little in my life (so far)
-I really, really hope the Lord allows us to have another child
-My brother really loves his sister
-I'm a little concerned that having two miscarriages in a row may mean that we cannot have any more kids -silly, I know.
-I'm thinking that waiting to find out the results was worse than actually finding them out.
-I really tried to work on patience throught this process-I hope I improved.
-My mother is as sad (actually sadder) than I am about this-that's true motherly love.
-My cousins are priceless
-The Angry Whopper might not have been the best comfort food.
-And I'll end again with one of my favs "BE STILL and know that I am God."
-Children are a miracle
-The Lord causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him
-I didn't realize how much I wanted another child
-My husband couldn't be more supportive.
-Andrea went through this also so she understands how it feels.
-I don't want to ever take for granted my family and friends
-God calls the womb the "secret place" and is in control of everything that happens there
-I am to be grateful for everything
-Through some mystery God allows trials to make us love Him more
-I have suffered very little in my life (so far)
-I really, really hope the Lord allows us to have another child
-My brother really loves his sister
-I'm a little concerned that having two miscarriages in a row may mean that we cannot have any more kids -silly, I know.
-I'm thinking that waiting to find out the results was worse than actually finding them out.
-I really tried to work on patience throught this process-I hope I improved.
-My mother is as sad (actually sadder) than I am about this-that's true motherly love.
-My cousins are priceless
-The Angry Whopper might not have been the best comfort food.
-And I'll end again with one of my favs "BE STILL and know that I am God."